Thursday, April 11, 2019

Shrove Tuesday


Shrove Tuesday was pancake day. This was what Room 9 did
on Shrove Tuesday.  We made pancakes but we all had to finish our work
or no pancake.
So the whole class did finish their work and got to have a pancake and
1/3 of a pancake. I can`t wait until next year to make pancakes.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Tabloid sports
On Wednesday 20th March 2019 Good shepherd school had Tabloid sports.
First we had to get settled into our class and then we did prayers, handwriting, Then we all started. Everybody got into their house and then the fun began.
There were fun games like...Stuck in the Mud, Shark Attack, Three Corners
 and other fun games but the  part BEST part of the sports were that...
1.We were altogether one got hurt and
3.everyone was happy
and on that day I learnt a lesson that if everyone sticks together everyone will be happy.
I hope next year will be better!!!!!!!!